“I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8

As we say goodbye to the old year and take our first steps into the new, let’s not forget the arts of remembering and reflecting.

Look back. Check your calendar, Facebook memories, or journal over the past year. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings as you do this. What does the Holy Spirit lead you to do? Do you need to make space to grieve the loss of something or someone? Do you need to simply give thanks? Do you need to make a change in your life? Trust that what your soul is telling you is what Jesus wants for you. It probably isn’t complicated or fancy or ambitious. Make a plan to obey.

Look forward. Move your thoughts over upcoming seasons or happenings in the next few months, or even the next few weeks if that feels better. Maybe it’s school spring break, birthdays, upcoming appointments, or changes at your work. Surrender these seasons to God, and ask for trust to bravely receive what he has to give you through them.

In looking back and looking forward, God is with us. He always was. He always will be. Wherever we are and wherever we go in 2021, we can determine to always walk with Him. We may have to lean on him more in some seasons.

To hold steady, hold onto him.

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