When Faith (and Parenting) is Hard

Evenings. They’re hard with kids. Even if we’re closing up a good day, with cooperative children, sweet kid kisses, and relative sibling harmony, evenings can really suck. But today wasn’t a particularly blissful day in parenting. And it was definitely hard by supper time. Gideon goes overly emotional with buttons sticking a mile out. Noah…

You Can’t Catch Healthy. You Can’t Catch Holy.

We need to be that proactive in our own lives with sin as well. With the Spirit’s leading, we can root things out. Face problems head on. We can do the right things and avoid the harmful things. Take our daily spiritual vitamins. Cook home meals instead of always choosing convenience. 

Sometimes, we have to ask God to teach us what the harmful things are so we know to avoid them. We have to ask Him to show us those first hints of declining spiritual health.

To the mama at the earliest screening for the kid-friendly movie

I see you. And, probably, I get you. I figure you’re probably like me, torn between wanting to have nice family activities and fearing public meltdowns. Maybe you made the plans a few days ago, and maybe you even dreaded coming after solidifying the decision. But some sense of normalcy… the luxury of simply going to…