I have a friend. She’s having trouble speaking, on occasion. Its not all the time, it hits her at odd times and its very frustrating. We’ve been praying and she’s been seeking answers from doctors, but its something to learn to live with at the moment. Today, at church, it had hit. Pretty hard. But…
Anniversary and Loving Us
It’s our anniversary. 12 years ago, this man next to me said “I do.” Yesterday, he single-handedly replaced a toilet. He even mopped the floor before installing the new one. This morning, he held out a strong, steady forearm so I could haul my pregnant self over the maternity pillow for an early morning snuggle.…
Speak the truth. Cling to the truth. Act on the truth.
Dreams. They’re just dreams. Crazy, mixed up, scary, but not real. Thoughts alone. Manifestations of neurons. Pictures and fragments in a blender in my head while I sleep, trying to sort themselves out. I dreamed that I knew I was about to witness my husband’s death. Some sort of gentleman’s duel, sort of, only it…
The Truth in the dirty dishes
Today, I matched socks out of a basket while sitting on the potty. I’ve never done that before. As I did so, I tried to decide if I should consider this efficiency? or a new personal low in home management skills? As a working mom, ministry wife, and mom of 3 (and a half!), I…
You Can’t Catch Healthy. You Can’t Catch Holy.
We need to be that proactive in our own lives with sin as well. With the Spirit’s leading, we can root things out. Face problems head on. We can do the right things and avoid the harmful things. Take our daily spiritual vitamins. Cook home meals instead of always choosing convenience.
Sometimes, we have to ask God to teach us what the harmful things are so we know to avoid them. We have to ask Him to show us those first hints of declining spiritual health.
Kicking and screaming and emotional trucks
This morning, I woke up Gideon for school. If I have to wake up Gideon, he’s TIRED. He resisted, of course, and borrowed under his seventy-some-odd blankets that he insists on sleeping with. I dragged him out by his big feet. He struggled against me, seeking the darkness. I pulled on those ankles, those long…
Empathy and Awareness
I started a post yesterday. I’d had a conversation with an individual about Noah and a health concern to just keep an eye on. I left the conversation with the impression that this individual didn’t hear me, didn’t believe me, and didn’t understand me. I felt completely dismissed. It made me angry. Empathy, I thought.…
Hearing loss, not joy loss
After weeks, months even, of rejoicing in milestones and victories, I was reminded. After months of unneeded therapies (okay, not ALL the therapies), I remembered. Oh yeah. You have this syndrome. Not that I forgot, really. Just forgot that there were still things to rule out, stones to turn over. We know it’s a “mild”…
Better than a thousand elsewheres
“A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.” Psalms 84:10 NLT To be in your courts, in your presence is more fulfilling than anything else. Nothing else…
This Day
It’s hard to see You through the fog sometimes To let You in Feel Your joy But I know You carry me through every hour Help me lift my hands Through it all, I know You give me this day In all of Your grace God teach me to see Teach me to praise To…