Ever feel so defeated? And then have guilt because YOUR story of defeat is just NOTHING compared to somebody else’s? Welcome to parenthood. Hello, my name is Morgan and I’m currently experiencing guilt. Guilt for handing the screaming baby off, just so I can poop. For just. Not. Caring that my older kids are whimpering…
The Truth in the dirty dishes
Today, I matched socks out of a basket while sitting on the potty. I’ve never done that before. As I did so, I tried to decide if I should consider this efficiency? or a new personal low in home management skills? As a working mom, ministry wife, and mom of 3 (and a half!), I…
half a cup of Saturday morning coffee
I heard kiddos fussing and stirring before 7 am. Saturday. Please, not yet. I just want a little longer. We get up. We had fun last night, setting up the projector in the garage. It was supposed to be in the driveway against the garage door, but a sudden windstorm changed those plans. So we…
Healed for now, forever in His Grace
I don’t know where to start. I have struggled with depression. And probably anxiety. There, I said it, point blank, on the internet. I have often written about experiences colored by depression, but for some reason, writing a post for the sole purpose of transparency and disclosure is scary. Because, while i have struggled in…
Kicking and screaming and emotional trucks
This morning, I woke up Gideon for school. If I have to wake up Gideon, he’s TIRED. He resisted, of course, and borrowed under his seventy-some-odd blankets that he insists on sleeping with. I dragged him out by his big feet. He struggled against me, seeking the darkness. I pulled on those ankles, those long…
Better than a thousand elsewheres
“A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.” Psalms 84:10 NLT To be in your courts, in your presence is more fulfilling than anything else. Nothing else…
This Day
It’s hard to see You through the fog sometimes To let You in Feel Your joy But I know You carry me through every hour Help me lift my hands Through it all, I know You give me this day In all of Your grace God teach me to see Teach me to praise To…